
TRAINING TIP 101: The First 30 Minutes

By Edwin Pauzer posted 06-27-2017 13:58

It happened so many times that we don’t even realize how much we are slaves to habits. We always started our Instructor Development Course (IDC), with the mundane sign-in sheets, registration forms and everything else required of people who wanted to be certified by New York State as General Topics Instructors. Additionally, we would also introduce ourselves highlighting our qualifications.

With post-it notes, fidget toys and plenty of index cards at each table, we wanted to supercharge them from the start. Since the herd instinct is strong, people sitting with those they know from their own commands or their own city agencies, we asked them to take several index cards and go around the room to introduce themselves to each other, writing down things about each other, and to switch at the blow of a whistle. This was the Cocktail Party, as described in Training Tip 20. They went on to someone else on each whistle blow. The animation was electric and became more like a frenzy. After a number of exchanges, I asked them to do something only with people from other tables—greet someone like long last buddies. Next they had to re-introduce themselves to each other again with total disdain and indifference.

If they didn’t know each other before, they did now. The ice was broken.

Back in their respective groups, which would remain that way for only one more day. We asked them to write their names in thick markers on their name tents, and write their goals for the training on a flip chart and present them to the class. As their instructors, we noted what they listed that wasn’t in our training, but insured we added it in there somewhere.

Bagels, donuts, coffee, tea and juice followed.

Our bios were in their introductory packets and now we could get to the forms, sign-in sheets and other mundane duties, but they were still primed and ready for training.

And that was the whole idea—in the first 30 minutes.

