
TRAINING TIP 21: What to do with your Hands

By Edwin Pauzer posted 07-07-2017 08:02


 You have dressed in your best uniform or suit. You move effectively among participants. You make good “eye connect,” except all of a sudden your arms feel like oak tree stumps that feel awkward and out of place. Do you stand at “parade rest?” Should you hold onto something until your knuckles appear bloodless? Do you twirl your hair? Do you cup your hands in front of you in the fig leaf position? Do you sink your hands into the depths of your pockets and project an “aw shucks” image?


No to all the above, but you still want to know what to do with those hands!


Hold a paper in your hand or an index card, or even a pen. Make sure you don’t twirl the pen or click it. (After a while the clicks begin to sound like rifle shots).


Keep the paper, card or pen parallel to the floor. Don’t raise it above your chest. That may look like you’re pleading.


If you must put your hands in your pockets, leave the thumb out of the pocket. For some reason that projects confidence. Clothing models are usually depicted with their thumbs out of their pockets.


Watch the Sunday morning ministry programs with the volume on mute. They are outstanding public speakers. Notice how they use their hands and gesture. Their hands always dramatize emphatic points.


Finally, practice at home in front of a mirror. Hold a heavy book in each hand, and practice your presentation. It is guaranteed to eliminate flighty or excessive gestures, and it bears repeating, call on participants with an open hand, not with a pointed finger.

