
TRAINING TIP 15: Windowpaning

By Edwin Pauzer posted 08-15-2017 08:59


Study after study shows that people remember more of what they see and hear rather than just what they hear. Windowpaning is an exercise where learners create their own images and label them. They draw windowpanes on a flip chart with no more than nine panes.

It is more fun if the learners work in groups and know they are not expected to produce a Rembrandt or van Gogh. Matchstick figures or whatever the learners are capable of will do nicely so long as the images fit in a box.

In each box and under each image the learners will draw a line and write in words a description of the image or what it means. Ask them to describe what they have learned in pictures, key concepts or a sequence of action.

When each team is done, they take turns explaining their images to the rest of the class. It’s a fun way to conduct a debriefing or a quick follow-up to instruction.

