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Rocky Mountain Jail Leadership Academy 2024

  • 1.  Rocky Mountain Jail Leadership Academy 2024

    Posted 04-30-2024 12:29
    Edited by iConnect News 04-30-2024 12:30

    Registration for RMJLA is open for 2024 and will be held in Pueblo Colorado August 5-9. RMJLA is a AJA/Colorado Jail Association collaboration and uses many of the same instructors and classes that the National Jail Leadership Academy does in Texas. This is a program that is not limited to those in the state of Colorado and we have had attendees from as far away as Maine attend in the past. I have attached the flyer for anyone who may be interested and registration can be completed through AJA at https://www.americanjail.org/ev_calendar_day.asp?date=8%2F5%2F24&eventid=248!

    AJA's 2024 Conference & Jail Expo